Welcome to the "Muscular Christianity: 90 Day Workout Plan Two Week Sampler!

Here's where you're going to download all of your rorkouts!

You're going to be using the "Loose Cannon Fitness" Audio Workout System.

Basically, it's the kind of calisthenics we did in the USMC complete with a specified pace. That means, you're working out in a way that's almost like having a Drill Instructor barking out which exercise you're going to be doing, including the number of repetitions and the rate of speed that you'll be doing each of those reps!

It's awesome!

Below you'll see each workout along with the link that you'll click on to download the zip file.

  • you can head out to loosecannonfitness.com to see a demo of each exercise.
  • you can also subscribe to the "LCF Live" library of "Loose Cannon Fitness workouts that features video recordings of all the workouts and more! Click here for more information!
click here for instructions on how to import the below audio files into your iTunes
Day Workout
to view a demo of each exercise, click here. Click on the "show more" link and then click on the camera icon to the right of each exercise.
1 Iron Mike
2 1775
3 Lejeune
4 Ammo Cans
5 Puller
8 The Pit
9 day nine you're running three miles...
10 TShirts
11 Iron Mike (again)
Day Daly