Muscular Christianity Show Notes

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While the Modern Day Democrat can be aptly described as someone who maintains themselves as their own absolute, it is nevertheless a description of anyone who insists they are the guage by which all things are measured. This is how you wind up with a political philosophy that inspires and informs ideas that don't work and an individual that is very often the very thing they claim to despise.

An Open Letter to the Democrat Party

Trump represents a political philosophy that isn’t welcome among those who enjoy seeing themselves as their own bottom line.

Capitalism, Christianity, and a Republican form of government flies in the face of those who prefer Socialism, Humanism, and a government that restricts individual freedoms as part of supposed effort to weed out those who are rich and are therefore, by default, corrupt.

Our national template is based on a Divine Absolute which implies a moral standard. That ultimately translates to personal responsibility and a paradigm where you are gauged according to your character and your choices. But to the individual who recoils at the thought of having to answer to something or Someone greater than themselves, all of the benefits associated with an approach to government based on the idea that our rights are guaranteed by God and not dispensed by a human collective, are dismissed in favor of a manufactured reality where there are no Standards, only situations.

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Psalm 14:1 says: "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God.' They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good."

What do you suppose that kind of perspective looks like when it shows up in a court of law?

What is really being said by a witness when they’re asked to raise their hand and swear to, “…tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?”

If there is no absolute apart from themselves, what they’re really saying is, “I’ll tell you what I want, how I feel, and I don’t care if it’s right because it’s all about me.”

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There's No Such Thing as the Separation of Church and State

There's no such thing as the "separation of church and state," at least not in the way that phrase is usually used today.

Every government that has ever been conceived by man is based on a theological premise of some kind in that it will structure its approach to legislation according to the way it defines a human being.

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You Can't Force Your Beliefs on Me

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In this episode we talk about how to dismantle one of the more common strategies used by people who don't have something to say as much as they've got something to hide.

To view some additional commentary and Scripture, click on the links below:


You have to check your logic at the door to believe in Evolution. Especially when you hear some of its more notable champions attempt to prove their point by saying it must've happened because, "...we're here."

To view some additional commentary and Scripture, click on the links below:

What's Your Point?

People who want to maintain themselves as their own bottom line subscribe to a philosphy that contradicts itself and ulitmately reveals them as individuals who believe that because they have the right to think for themselves, they can think in a way that has no regard for anyone other than themselves.

To view some additional commentary and Scripture, click on the links below:

You can access the podcast by clicking here.

For additional reading, refer to the articles below:


Click on the links below to pop the hood on the Scripture this segment is based on:

The Media

Turning the other cheek is not a command to absorb the evil that is directed towards you. Rather, it's an admonishment to address it and reveal it for what it is.

In this episode of "Muscular Christianity," we're going to look at the three primary passages that would have us be complicit with the offenses and assaults that are directed towards us and see how they fall short of an interpretation based on the whole of God's Word.

Click on the links below to read some more information and dig through the Scriptures that go into more detail...

Turn the Other Cheek - How to do it Right (podcast)

Sanctified Violence - a "Muscular Christianity" blog piece about the way violence is sometimes used by God to defeat evil.

You Are Not a Doormat - sermon by Darren Whitehead at Church of the City in Franklin, Tennessee

There's two articles out on are you'll want to look at if you're interested in digging a little deeper.

Click on the links below to view the script for the episode as well as some additional thoughts, Scriptures and information.

That's Your Opinion | Part I
That's Your Opinion | Part II
Driving on the Wrong Side of the Road

It's never about what's happening, it's what God is doing.

Just that little "tweak" in your disposition - just by reminding yourself that this day was planned and anticipated by your Heavenly Father before you were born - that can make a big difference in the way you look at everything from your calendar, to your inbox, to your bank statement.

You're not a victim.

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